6337 N. Hermitage Street

For my walk today I went to the post office. The PO is 1.7 miles from the house, that makes it almost 3.5 miles there and back, not a bad exercise. I always drive there, and as a result of driving the only thing I see is traffic. And that is usually depressing in Chicago.

Walking you see a lot of interesting things. Squirrels were screeching like mad, street were being cleaned and repaired, kitty cats were looking out of the window, kids running in the parks. I enjoyed near empty streets and some wonderful houses in the neighborhood. Here’s one of them – 6337 N. Hermitage, with a lovely round front porch. Micron pen and watercolor pencils.

6337 N. Hermitage St.

6337 N. Hermitage St.


  1. Barbara Weeks September 23, 2009

    Nicely done! In Chicago walking is a great way to travel!

  2. Alex Zonis September 23, 2009

    Thank you, Barbara! I just sent you an email.

  3. petescully September 29, 2009

    Cool stuff! i like the effect of the watercolour pencil! must dig mine out. Houses are lots of fun to draw, I like how you rendered the porch.

    • Alex Zonis September 29, 2009

      Our posts/comments must have crossed. I was uploading a new post where I thank you by name for the useful information you sent me.

      WC pencils are very cool. I discovered that you can layer them dry and then wet them creating more complex colors and variegated effects.

  4. Lloyd October 4, 2009

    Nicely done! You might imagine my surprise when I “Googled” my address and found your drawing of MY home! I also draw, I like your rendition. My wife is an established author and is currently working on an article about the architech and some of his buildings. Maybe you two can collaborate with some drawings to coinside with the article.

    • Alex Zonis October 4, 2009

      Hello Lloyd! You cannot imagine MY surprise receiving your comment! I never expected anything like this. And you are an artist on top of all other amazing things you have accomplished (I have read through your website.) The idea of collaboration for an article is very exciting. I will write you an email to take this conversation off-line. What a serendipity!

  5. Lucrecia( Luicre) November 18, 2009

    Alex, some weeks ago I have posted a comment here but it`s not uploaded. I like very much the green house.


    • Alex Zonis November 18, 2009

      Hi Luicre! Good to see you stopping by my blog! There is an interesting story with this sketch. The man who lives in this house found the image on my blog and wrote to me. He is an artist too and thought it was a nice sketch.

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