Alex Zonis’ interview

Just to let my blog friends know – Daily Paintworks gallery interviewed me for their site and blog. If you have nothing better to do, you can read my wisdoms, BS and stuff here – Alex Zonis’ interview.

The photo they used is obsolete – an old self portrait. Here’s a fresh one –

Alex profile 8-1-13

Sketching, what else…


  1. Enzie Shahmiri August 6, 2013

    Congratulations Alex! I enjoyed reading it and left a comment 🙂

    • Alex Zonis August 23, 2013

      Thank you, Enzie! Appreciate the comment too!

  2. eightdecades August 7, 2013

    REad the interview and enjoyed it very much. Great work and great story, thanks for the posting

    • Alex Zonis August 23, 2013

      Nice to hear, eightdecades! Good to meet you too!

  3. barbtaub August 7, 2013

    Terrific interview. Very fun read.

    • Alex Zonis August 23, 2013

      Thanks, Barb! Glad you liked! Means a lot actually, you are an authority on writing in my eyes!

  4. Heidi Bronstein October 28, 2014

    Read your interview with interest! Love your work! Is there a way to subscribe to your blog?

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