Plus Two Dollars

Plus Two Dollars 10-18-2013 lo-res

Plus Two Dollars

6″ x 6″ (15 x 15 cm) – oil on gessobord – SOLD

The second painting for the second show I am painting for. This one in California.

But let me tell you a story. I have this church down the block,  I am sure many of you have heard of it by now. Every year they have a rummage sale, and every year I go to hunt for props, and every time I hunt I score. A winning proposition :).

This year I went again and found a basket-full of mismachted bone china, bent silver spoons, a large shell with an ocean sound inside, and a set of 16 prints by Toulouse-Lautrec. Every object was a dollar or two. The fun started at earnest when I went to pay for my loot. The nice elderly gentleman was a singularly wrong person to manage the cash box! He decided to do the sums in his head and kept making mistakes in my favor. By the time he had 9, I had 11  and corrected him… by the time he had 14, I had 16 and corrected him again. All the while he wanted to talk about Lautrec, American realism, painting in general, and modeling for life sessions. In the end he got 18. I no longer believed him and gave him 20 – God bless!! 🙂

Here I have for you the three cups from the rummage sale… Plus the two dollars difference in our sums.


  1. barbtaub October 19, 2013

    Cute story and gorgeous, gorgeous, simply gorgeous painting!

    • Alex Zonis October 25, 2013

      So happy you liked it, Barb!

  2. Linda October 19, 2013

    I continue to be stunned by your work. So much fun to see what you have painted.

    • Alex Zonis October 25, 2013

      Linda, you are super! Thank you for keeping following my work!

  3. sefeniak October 20, 2013

    Enjoyed the story and can see it in the making. This after being to many church rummage sales in my past. Beautiful painting! 🙂

    • Alex Zonis October 25, 2013

      Thanks, Susan! Church rummage sales are the best :)!

  4. lindahalcombfineart October 25, 2013

    Incredibly polished – records a special period of time in our history.

    • Alex Zonis October 25, 2013

      Thank you, Linda! I like shiny… 🙂

  5. joantav November 1, 2013

    Beautiful painting of the cups. I really like how you composed them in an unusual way.

  6. Carol King November 4, 2013

    wonderful story and another beautiful painting. When you set up your still life, is it really on a black mirror-like table top?

    • Alex Zonis November 5, 2013

      Yes, it is really on the black mirrored table :). We have this psychedelic table from the 80’s that I kept frowning on until I realize what a perfect still life stage it is :). Now I would not part with it!!

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