Memory Blocks: E is for Empathy

E is for Empathy 3-10-2014 lo-res

E is for Empathy

12″x9″ (30 x 23 cm) – oil on gessobord – NFS

This is the latest installation of Memory Blocks series, it is titled E is for Empathy.

This painting is created for the front cover of my husband’s new book The Rumor of Empathy accepted for publication by Routledge Taylor and Francis group. This is the reason the painting is “Not For Sale”, I want to keep all the rights for now.

Update on March 30th: Lou heard from the publisher – E is for Empathy image is accepted for the front cover! Happy news :)!


  1. Mary March 10, 2014

    Alex, this is beautiful!! Your husband must love it!

  2. eightdecades March 13, 2014

    Wow, what a wonderful painting, A super good image for the book.
    Love your work.

    • Alex Zonis May 3, 2014

      Thanks, 8decades! Appreciate your visit and kind words!

  3. lesliepaints April 28, 2014

    Congratulations, Alex!

    • Alex Zonis May 3, 2014

      Thanks, Leslie!! How are you?

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