Houses on Wayne Street
I was walking with my husband around the neighborhood, we came upon this quaint old street with colorful houses that looked like something out of a fairytale. I am still shy to sketch in public, but I had a little camera with me (thanks, Shelly!), so I took a snap shot. I didn’t think anything would come out of it, but the houses looked so vibrant and lively that I had to sketch them. This was a very quick one, maybe I’ll make a more detailed drawing from it later. Micron pen and watercolor pencils.

Houses on Wayne Street
I am working on a tonal graphite portrait at the moment, I have eyes down (most important, IMO) and general face tones, but it is not anywhere near posting yet. It will come… Unless I’ll mess it up!
And I found this interesting link: 100 Best Scholarly Art Blogs – interesting resource.
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