Local folklore

Sacred Book

Dancing Jew

Finally some sketches from Israel. It was hard to find an opportunity to upload and post sketches, but at last here are two. Just simple pencil studies of local folklore. Hopefully now that I got access to a computer, figured out how to scan images and downloaded GIMP to process them more sketches will come soon.

Hello and shalom to all my friends back home!


  1. lesliepaints June 4, 2010

    Hi, Alex, way over there! 🙂 These are wonderful drawings of folklore. The second one reminds me of “Fiddler on the Roof”, of course! More!

    • Alex Zonis June 5, 2010

      Hi, Leslie! Thank you for the comment! Come to think of it, the second dude does indeed make me think of the Fiddler on the roof. How silly of me not to realize it before you said it. Hopefully more will be coming soon :)!

  2. Carol King June 5, 2010

    Well Hello and Shalom to you!

    Fantastic drawings. I hope you are enjoying your time in Israel and will send more drawings our way soon. (And maybe some pictures too?)

    • Alex Zonis June 5, 2010

      Hey, Carol! Good to see you! I love it here (with exception of the usual political mess 🙁 ). At least this is not a full blown war as it was last time I was visiting. The weather, food and of course seeing my parents are totally great! I have a ton of photos, but am not sure they belong here – a blog of drawing and painting. Not sure what to do about it, perhaps Facebook?

  3. Alonso June 5, 2010

    Great sketches looking forward to see more eh. Keep up the good work.

    • Alex Zonis June 6, 2010

      Thank you, Alonso! I am working on it!!! 😀

  4. cindyinsd June 6, 2010

    Great work. I love the drawings. Praying for Israel and for peace there.

    Blessings, Cindy

    • Alex Zonis June 8, 2010

      Thank you for your comment and your prayers, Cindy. The world would sigh with relief when hostilities here would cease. I most certainly will be happy. They way thigns are now it looks like we all have to wait a while longer…

  5. lindahalcombfineart June 7, 2010

    For me folklore is fascinating. These stories tell so much about an areas cultural history. I love your drawings and wish you peace and safety. Shalom my friend.

    • Alex Zonis June 8, 2010

      Thank you for stopping by, Linda! I have decided that while here I will spend my art time on things local to put the infusion of sensations and feelings to the best use. The light here is amazing as well – so different from what I have in the States in the north, I wish I was experieced enough to depict it on paper.

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