
Dome on the Rock

Western Wall

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Some sketches from Jerusalem


  1. CarolKing June 9, 2010

    Hi Alex, I’m loving all these sketches. So nice to see you could find some time while visiting with your family.

    Interesting how you captured all 3 religions. Very cool.

    Now, a question, Do they divide the Western Wall and make men go on one side and women on the other. That’s what it looks like in your sketch. If that is the case, I never knew that.

    • Alex Zonis June 10, 2010

      Hi, Carol! Thank you for your comment! I am glad you saw the three religions in my post :D! It was my intention to show all three at the same time and I sat on my sketches until I had them all.

      The Western Wall is indeed divided – men and women pray separately, just like in traditional and orthodox synagogues. The women’s section at the Wall is three times smaller than men’s – where are feminists when you really need them?! To add insult to the injury there is some reconstruction and repair going on at the far right of the women’s section eating up more room there (I am sure you can relate and sympathize). The construction is not shown on my sketch.

  2. lesliepaints June 9, 2010

    These are really cool, Alex! I like traveling through your sketches.

    • Alex Zonis June 10, 2010

      Oh, Leslie! The stories, legends and hear-say I have to go with these sketches!!! Unfortunately my parents’ computer is set to Russian language which makes writing and editing in English a real pain! I will try to set Word to English and write up a few most interesting ones.

  3. cindyinsd June 9, 2010

    Photographs are great, but there’s nothing that can beat the down-to-earth humanity of a hand drawing. (Plus you remember the subject so much more clearly.) Thanks for sharing these with those of us not fortunate enough to see them for ourselves.

    • Alex Zonis June 10, 2010

      Thank you for your kind words, Cindy! I started sketching cityscape very recently after finding Urban Sketchers website which blew my mind. I wish I had the flair, elegance and ease many artists at Urban Sketchers have. The sites I rendered here most certainly deserve more developed artistic skills. But I couldn’t miss the opportunity to sketch these magical locations, I would forever regret it. So here they are – clumsy and all – but beautiful in my mind’s eye because I remember what I saw, just like you said.

  4. Lou Agosta June 11, 2010

    Thanks for sharing. Really great work.

  5. Lou Agosta June 11, 2010

    I like the angle in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It is kind of like a sketch by Esher without actually violating spatial geometry too much. Keep up the great work!

    • Alex Zonis June 14, 2010

      What a terrific compliment to be compared to Esher!!! Thank you so much! 😀

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