Cousin Barbara
Meet Cousin Barbara!
Cousin Barbara is Aunt Marie’s second daughter. I hear family stories that Cousin Barbara was called Barbie at some point. I can see why. Whatever you want to call her, she is gorgeous, and that’s all there is to it.
Here Cousin Barbara in her full party mode is having fun at Aunt Marie’s birthday celebration, the party that she herself organized and put together. Long distance! Complete with prizes (I won a centerpiece :D) and goodie bags with Italian cookies to take home. Barbara is a lot of fun. But let’s not allow the party air make us forget that Barbara is an astute business woman, a successful entrepreneur and a wonderful mother.
#13 of 40. Graphite, Moleskine Cahier sketchbook.
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What lovely and friendly people your family appears to be! These last three have beautiful eyes!
Thank you, Leslie, for the compliment to my family! These are wonderful and kind people! There are many more lovely individuals that I may not get to draw… just because there are so many.
I also want to thank you for following my endeavor here and looking at each installment. I noticed that several of my regular visitors seem to have had enough graphite portraits :(, and I understand. It warms my heart to see your comments, they mean a lot to me!
I will not stop visiting your lovely site!
Hi Alex,
Just got back to find you have many more drawings for your sketchbook. AND, you changed your blog theme. So much new to look at. So I’ll start with Cousin Barbara. She looks like a fun woman! She’s a beauty and I love her necklace!
I got bored drawing the necklace :(. In real life it had many more strands and looked richer and more complicated. I was not up for painstakingly drawing tiny little beads. Maybe this was for the better, as beads probably would have derailed attention from the face.
Good to have you back! Hope you had a great vacation! Looking forward to more sketches in your book!